The Digital Community of Practice – collaborating regularly to share information

We have recently set up a Digital Community of Practice (CoP) to provide a space to share, discuss and learn more about the ‘digital’ work we are doing across the council as well as how it can support wider digital transformation and our colleagues in other service areas.

The Digital Community of Practice Charter

Our aim is to embed digital practice at all levels of the Council and show the benefits of this working through what we do and by delivering better services.

We hosted another great CoP meeting last week. It’s really nice to see word getting out about the forum internally as we had colleagues join that hadn’t attended previously.

Our CoP plans to meet every two weeks alternating the topic of discussion, so that we have a mix of external speakers to share their digital experiences alongside a focus on internal hot topics, projects and challenges that we want to get some thoughts on.

Last week we were joined by our guest external speaker Sarah Slack, she is the Assistant Director of Delivery for Homes England, and I had the pleasure of facilitating the conversation. This one was actually our third CoP, I made a little error in my welcome, as this was the second time I attended the CoP forum and words to that effect came out in my intro!

Sarah has an extensive background in public service, having previously held a number of digital roles that include the Head of Digital and Technology at Ministry of Justice Agency and as a Delivery Lead across Defra plus working with the police and other local authorities on variety of digital transformation initiatives and user centred service design. It was a real pleasure to have her join us and for her to share with our colleagues her digital journey – what good digital looks like, her role in enabling it and some of the practicalities she’s picked up on along the way.

We’ve recorded the session, and you can watch it back below.

If you’d like to join one of our meetings as an external speaker to share with us how you have used new innovations, user centred design thinking and used other transformational approaches in driving digital change in your organisation, please do get in touch via [email protected]

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