Services Week 2023- Sharing best practice in service transformation

Digital and Technology Services (DTS) had the pleasure of hosting talks for Services Week 2023 the other week. Services Week has been running for a number of years now and this is the first time that Birmingham City Council has taken part, and in fact we were only one of two local authorities (high five to colleagues in Dorset Council) contributing to this years agenda!

Services Week is an annual cross-organisational public sector event series and took place 20-24 March. User-centred professionals across government and public services were invited to present a session to demonstrate the value in agile and human-centred service design through the work they have done or are doing.

So, we in DTS took the opportunity to share some of the key activities in how we are working in collaboration with service areas across the council to redesign their services using new to the council approaches in user centred design. We arranged three talks featuring our CIO and Assistant Director Cheryl and colleagues from our agile delivery teams, and we were so pleased to see so many colleagues join us from departments across the UK working in central and local government. If you weren’t able to join us, don’t worry, we’ve recorded the sessions:

  • Field Worker Programme with Azim Akhtar (Agile Coach), Amaani Ahmed (Lead User Researcher DTS) and Carol Gordon (Project Manager Birmingham City Council)
  • A discovery into the Children’s Employment Service, as part of the Customer Service Programme with Sheraz Yaqub (Strategic Product Manager DTS), Laura Van Krieken (Senior Service Designer Methods) and Surita Solanki (Lead Service Designer DTS)