Launch of Council’s new Digital Strategy

“We will be bold in our ambition to be the best Digital Council to transform, support and enable the City to reach its potential.”

In an earlier post, I set out the Birmingham digital approach. I am pleased to formally launch the new Digital Strategy 2022-2025. This is the next step to further modernise how we re-imagine, design and deliver services that better serve the needs of our citizens and businesses and reflect more the way our citizens and businesses want to interact with us in the internet age.

You can find out more about the strategy here or alternatively read our shortened web version. Alongside this there is a detailed Delivery Plan, which sets out clear milestones for 2022 with metrics to prioritise what we do and measure our performance and success, which will be reported through a new fit for purpose Digital Strategy Board.

I look forward to sharing more about what we are doing as we eagerly push full steam ahead with delivery!