FoundryLIVE: A beacon of innovation and success

Organized by Birmingham City Council and Birmingham City University, FoundryLIVE featured hackathons and an InnoTech Expo, highlighting advancements in AI, data, and agile methodologies.

At the end of June, FoundryLIVE, a two-day event, unfolded in Birmingham, marking a significant milestone in the Digital Foundry initiative. This event was not just a gathering but a showcase of technological and innovative thinking. Organised by the Birmingham City Council’s Digital and Technology Services in collaboration with Birmingham City University (BCU), FoundryLIVE was designed to be the crucible where ideas and technology meld to forge the future.

The inception of FoundryLIVE was driven by a singular vision: to empower and demonstrate transformation.

FoundryLIVE spanned two fun-filled days at the Curzon Building, a BCU Campus, featuring hackathons that turned a pipeline of service problems into real solutions. The event kicked off with the hackathon, where teams collaborated to tackle challenges using Microsoft and UiPath technologies. The InnoTech Expo and Forum ran through the Tuesday afternoon with lightning talks, demonstrating how to excel with AI, data, agile ways of working, and more.

The hackathon experience

FoundryLIVE featured a hackathon that was a central highlight of the event; a collaborative effort where six groups of multidisciplinary teams, which included our service areas, worked on real council problems.

The challenges ranged from improving equality impact assessments to reducing the workload of inbound communications through automated communications mining.

This image shows a landscape view of a room full of attendees during the morning of the hack-a-thon
Hack-a-thon teams setting up on day one

The hackathon was structured to maximise creativity and productivity. It began with ice-breaker activities to foster team spirit, followed by defining the vision, mission, and scope of the challenge. Teams were encouraged to think about users and personas, allocate roles and responsibilities, and engage in whiteboarding and ideation sessions.

This image shows the Indexing Innovators hack team working together. The team is made up of Birmingham City Council staff, UiPath and Birmingham City University students
Indexing Innovators hack team, made up of Birmingham City Council staff, Uipath and Birmingham City University students

Throughout the event, participants used agile methodologies, design thinking, and various technologies, including Microsoft’s Power Platform, UiPath’s AI and automation toolkit and productivity tools, to develop and present their prototypes. The hackathon also featured playbacks and presentations, where each team shared the progress they had made.

Another one of our hack teams in full swing!

The hackathon at FoundryLIVE was not just about solving problems but also about the importance of collaborative working and demonstrating the art of the possible using a variety of technologies. It was a testament to the power of collective ingenuity and the pursuit of progress, embodying the spirit of the Digital Foundry initiative.

This image shows a lady presenting back to the room
Each team had the opportunity to playback their work

Corporate Leadership Engagement

Our Corporate Leadership Team (CLT) visited us on the first day, with representation across most council directorates, who joined the event to immerse themselves in the innovative processes being showcased. The leadership team actively engaged with the Hack-a-thon participants, offering insights and guidance that enriched the collaborative experience. Their involvement exemplified the commitment of Birmingham City Council’s leadership to the Digital Foundry initiative and their support for transformative projects. The corporate leaders’ hands-on approach not only inspired the attendees but also reinforced the importance of executive backing in driving innovation forward.

We also invited postgraduate and undergraduate students from the university to join our hack teams. Their knowledge and enthusiasm bought a real sense of synergy to the team, as they worked together to better understand the challenges.

Our CLT also met with Professor Hanifa Shah, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Executive Dean of the Faculty of Computing, Engineering and the Built Environment at BCU who left enthused by and keen to enable a better strategic partnership between BCC and BCU. Professor Shah said:

“I want to thank Birmingham City Council, Microsoft and UiPath for the opportunities they have given our students over the past two days.

Something really special is going on at BCU and we can amplify our impact and reach with the help of industry and business”.

This image shows some of Birmingham City Council's corporate leadership team sitting with Birmingham City University's Pro Vice Chancellor and Professor.
Birmingham City Council’s Corporate Leadership team meets Birmingham City University’s Pro-Vice Chancellor Hanifa Shah
This image shows Birmingham City Council's corporate leadership team being welcomed by Birmingham City University partners at their campus in Curzon Building.
Birmingham City Council continues to build stronger connections with Birmingham City University

InnoTech Expo and Forum: Lightning Talks

On Tuesday afternoon, we held a series of lightning talks covering topics like what is agile, what is the Foundry, demonstrating some Foundry outcomes such as digital translations, redactions and generating rotas. Our colleagues from UiPath and Microsoft helped us to realise the art of the possible with emerging technologies too!

This is an image of the audience watching the InnoTech Expo talks
InnoTech featured a series of talks
This image shows Professor Rehan Bhana talking to an audience of people seated in an auditorium about the STEAMHouse initiative
Professor Rehan Bhana shares a talk on STEAMHouse and innovation

Attendee Feedback: Voices from FoundryLIVE

The feedback from FoundryLIVE attendees was overwhelmingly positive, reflecting the event’s success and the impact it had on its participants. Here are some highlights from the feedback forms and communications:

“The sharing of ideas in a constructive environment was invigorating. Although tasks were a bit tight on timings, the experience of finding out about tech solutions, gaining insights from others, and working collaboratively was invaluable.”

“Definitely the collaboration. Having SMEs, developers, designers, and managers around the same table allows for much more open communication, and I loved working with colleagues from other teams to reach a common goal.”

“All of it. A fantastic day. I understand more about the Foundry and work with my DTS [Digital and Technology Services] colleagues.”

“Mind blown! Possibilities and vision realised before my very eyes left me energized and wanting more!”

The feedback also provided constructive suggestions for future events.

How likely are you to recommend FoundryLIVE to others?
This is an NPS scale showing that the event scored a total of 63 points indicating the event scored 'excellent'

The Future of FoundryLIVE

The event demonstrated the potential of collaborative innovation and the impact of bringing together diverse skill sets and perspectives. The success of FoundryLIVE sets the stage for future events and the continued evolution of the Digital Foundry initiative, driving forward the council’s commitment to technological advancement and community empowerment.

Thanks go to:

Rehan Bhana (Associate Professor the School of Computing and Digital Technology and Director of Innovative Pedagogy) and Harprit Bhogal for hosting us at the wonderful Birmingham City University – both incredible ambassadors for their organisation.

Our wonderful technology partners Microsoft and UiPath for their support and direction.

And of course, all the Foundry Founders – Kat Sexton, Rob Walker, David Lilley, Katie Jones, Dave McLeary, James Gregory, Fenella Webb, Tom Ambler, Nicola Bryant, Annie Heath, Richard Brooks – and everyone that joined a hack, visited the lightning talks, or generally showed up to show your support.

This image shows some of the Digital Foundry team
Digital Foundry team members L-R Surita Solanki, Ghazala Begum, Kat Sexton, Katie Jones and Rachel Carter

The event was meticulously planned and coordinated by a dedicated team, so final thanks to Ayola Beckford, Sharon Gill and Surita Solanki, Ghazala Begum and Rachel Carter, ensuring a seamless and impactful experience for all attendees.

This image shows three of the FoundryLive event team standing next to the goody bags that were handed to event attendees after day two
FoundryLive dreamteam L-R Sharon Gill, Rachel Carter and Ayola Beckford having prepped the goody bags that were handed to attendees after day two

If you have any questions, comments or would like to learn more, feel free to leave a message below.