Why you should come and work in Birmingham City Council’s Digital Service

Cheryl Doran
Cheryl Doran, Chief Digital Officer & CIO

We’ve been on a journey here in Birmingham to transform our digital and technology service from a transactional, ticket taking service to a human centred, enabling service working as a trusted business partner to support the Council to achieve its bold ambitions. To do this, we have redesigned our service and target operating model from top to bottom where everyone in our service has a new job description.

This is a great time to join us as we develop our new ways of working embracing human centred design and agile delivery. Our technology practices are where you can hone your skills and develop your career from apprentice through to head of profession. We are investing in our leaders to make sure that they can sustain an inclusive, happy, nurturing and empowering work environment where team members can do their best work, grow and thrive.

We’re also investing in our technologies, taking a platform + agile approach, giving our team members the opportunity to create and support amazing digital solutions that truly meet the needs of those that use them. Our new digital strategy is the antedote to the large scale, small outcomes IT projects. We have some exciting tools to innovate and push the boundaries of every day service delivery.

Local government is one of the best sectors to work in, you really get to see your work in action making a difference to citizens and the local community. There’s a huge variety of different services to get involved in supporting, whether that’s enabling a strong online democratic presence through webcasting our council meetings, developing a mobile app to support our staff with their visiting caseloads, to automating processes so we can spend more time on work that matters most, or developing data led solutions to predict where our residents might need our services. These examples are a small taster of the 1200 services that we provide – there’s no chance of being bored!

Working in Digital and Technology Services is definitely NOT working for the man – this is giving something back, a rewarding and exciting career in the public sector for bold, curious people. What’s not to like?

Take a look at the amazing range of vacancies we have, and take your career to the next level in Birmingham 🚀