Digital Strategy #22 weeknote

A quick weeknote to let you know what we’ve been up to but not necessarily a weekly note! More an intent to keep you posted on a regular basis as we start to move into a pattern of sprints. You can read more about the background to our work here.

Good things
  • We are close to having a finalised copy of the citizen and wider staff facing strategy, having received further feedback and engagement this last week and implemented changes across the content. The webteam have been making amends to both the design and content on the Beta strategy web pages and we expect to have final copy online by the end of the month.
  • We have met with representatives of adult social care, education and skills and the business analysis team to capture possible opportunities to take forward into Discovery (a 6-8 week process where we work as a multidisciplinary team to seek to better understand a particular challenge and if a digital solution could help – you can read more about this approach here). We have got some strong opportunities already on our long list, and will continue to build this picture over the coming weeks.
  • We met with Transformation colleagues to better understand how we can ensure this strategy supports the wider shift in council ways of working as well as facilitate the culture change that is needed.
  • We had the first responses in from our 9-10 year olds on how accessible they found our easy read strategy – it had a positive reception and was understood by all, although the more detailed strategy online was thought to be a bit boring, and some of the words, like ‘directorate’ weren’t understood.
What’s next
  • We are aiming to have a solid first draft of the delivery plan complete by the end of October, so we are making a final push on this now. We will be meeting with theme owners over the coming days to ensure we have the information we need and are joined up with other relevant programmes.
  • We have slots booked at all DMTs across directorates and will continue to represent the strategy at these, giving our wider council colleagues the opportunity to get a sense of what is included in the strategy, what it means for them, and provide a forum for their input.
  • We will be planning a workshop with the housing team to explore opportunities for digital transformation in the coming weeks.

Strategy delivery team

Nicola Bryant (Delivery Manager); Sarah Greenaway (Content Designer); James Gregory (Product Manager); Hannah Pinnock (Agile Coach, Strategist); Jasvir Sandhu (Comms); Gill Terry (Comms); Surita Solanki (Delivery)